Spice Cabinet Makeover

 After being attacked by my spices every time I opened the cabinet, I decided it was time to finally organize the mess it had become.  I was never particularly picky about the brand of spices that I purchased so my cabinet was full of different sized bottles and nothing ever really fit next to each other very well. There was so much wasted space and while I am being honest, lots of expired things were lurking behind the wall of my most used spices. 

I did a search on Pinterest for "Spice Organization" and a plethora of things came up. Most of them showed 4 oz plastic jars on Amazon, some of them even came with labels and markers. As I narrowed down the selection I noticed a mason jar on the bottom of the page under "suggested items"....ummm....could that possibly be a TEEEENY, TIIIINY MASON JAR! I got way more excited than I should be and decided to click the link. Bam!! Tiny Mason Jar WAS real! Immediately I decided against using the plastic bottles, I am SUCH a sucker for miniature things and seriously there was NO way I could possibly say no to this cuteness!!

I decided to customize a cute little Farmhouse style label for my mini spice jars with my Cricut software. I printed them on vinyl, cut them with my Cricut, and anxiously awaited for my baby Masons to arrive.  I was SO excited when I received them that I wasted absolutely NO time unpacking the box. After washing them and patiently waiting for them to dry, I transferred my spices to their new home. Before placing the labels on the outside of the jars I wiped the section where the label would be going with a damp alcohol cotton ball. On the bottom of the jars, I used a Sharpie to write the expiration date (That way you can just wipe it with an alcohol dampened cotton ball and there is no need to change labels) I was so pleased with the finished result! It made such a difference in space and everything looks nice and tidy. No more bobbing and weaving after opening up my cabinets. The spices I use the most are on the right and the ones that I hardly use are on the left.

If you are looking for a quick "Look at what I did this weekend" project, have time on your hands, or are just really ready to clean out your spice cabinet go ahead and give it a makeover! I will post the links to the items I found on Amazon, the tiny Mason jars, and the label I designed. Feel free to use the label. I should add that you do NOT need a Cricut for this project. If you know how to make address labels you could do it on your home computer, if you have a Cricut and decide you want to use the labels I designed just download the image and upload it to the Cricut software as a "Print then Cut" image. 

Because the lids on the mason jars are regular screw-on styled I did have to search for shaker style lids to fit them. I found them here:

Here is the label I designed using my Cricut software if you would like to use it just click the image and download the file to your computer, easy peasy!

Hopefully, this project will improve my cooking skills and make me want to actually COOK! Thanks for reading everyone, enjoy!

